Organic Bucket Hat with Embroidery

The following design specifications apply to the embroidery products:

- a maximum of 5 coloured designs are possible (please note the choice of colours)
- Minimum width of fonts and lines is 2mm

Your motif will be placed on the product as an embroidery design immediately after the campaign activation - so don't be surprised if it looks "normal" during campaign creation.

The first profit from the sale of an embroidery motif will not be paid out, as this will be offset against the creation of the embroidery card.

Poduct actual: No seleccionado

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Characteristics: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, EPS, PDF
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Con la carga, usted asegura que los gráficos no violan los derechos de terceros y acepta nuestros términos de uso de imágenes. Más...
Su archivo no coincide con los valores predeterminados
Por favor, cuide lo siguiente:
Price per Piece:
13,49 €

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