ECO-Lunchbox with small Laser Engraving

The following design specifications apply to this laser engraving product:

- max. engraving size 5 x 3 cm
- minimum width of fonts and lines is 1pt

For the ideal implementation of your motif, please provide the file in 2999 x 2000 px format. If your design has a different aspect ratio please create a transparent frame so that the final dimensions of the file are still 2999 x 2000 px.

Your design will be placed on the product as an engraving design immediately after the product creation - so don't be surprised if it looks "normal" when you create the campaign.

Note: Due to the nature of the wood, there may be deviations in the size and colouring of the wood and engraving.

Poduct actual: No seleccionado

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Characteristics: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, EPS, PDF
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Su archivo no coincide con los valores predeterminados
Por favor, cuide lo siguiente:
Price per Piece:
11,45 €

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