Samsung Galaxy S10 Case

To ensure the ideal realisation of your design for all phone cases (print preview=final product) with one single file,
please use our printing template displayed below.


Regardless of whether your design is a detached logo or a fullprint image, the red outlines indicate where your design should be placed so the file is compatible with all phone case styles. If your design is a fullprint image, please make sure to place it over the entire art board to prevent any white remainings later on.


 1. Display the required outlines

 2. Place design

 3. Hide all outlines

 4. Save files as PNG

  5. Upload file and start campaign


Click here for the printing template.


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Characteristics: JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, EPS, PDF
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Por favor, cuide lo siguiente:
Price per Piece:
8,49 €

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