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Evolution zur Handballerin
Design by: Designer #18916

After a lot of requests and a long wait, it's finally here... Our Cooking Apron! Whether it's for the best baker, grill master or the professional chef; at Shirtee there are no limits! For a birthday, Christmas, Father's Day or just as a little something, this is the perfect gift. Consisting of heavy absorbent cotton and high quality, this cooking apron shouldn't be missing at any grill party!

Evolution zur Handballerin. Das ist die perfekte Geschenkidee für Groß und Klein. Für Leute, die gerne Handball spielen oder sich dafür interessieren, ist es genau das richtige Geschenk.

Nice present for everyone!

High Quality Cooking Apron
Evolution zur Handballerin
Design by: Designer #18916

After a lot of requests and a long wait, it's finally here... Our Cooking Apron! Whether it's for the best baker, grill master or the professional chef; at Shirtee there are no limits! For a birthday, Christmas, Father's Day or just as a little something, this is the perfect gift. Consisting of heavy absorbent cotton and high quality, this cooking apron shouldn't be missing at any grill party!

Evolution zur Handballerin. Das ist die perfekte Geschenkidee für Groß und Klein. Für Leute, die gerne Handball spielen oder sich dafür interessieren, ist es genau das richtige Geschenk.

Nice present for everyone!

100% Satisfaction Guarantee We are satisfied when you are!
Made in Germany Manufacture & Delivery
Retail Quality Textiles & Printing Of Quality